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Found 13718 results for any of the keywords hearing people. Time 0.007 seconds.
Clerks Hearing - NJ Criminal LawA clerk’s hearing is usually the most initial stage of court hearing.People are called to a clerk’s hearing by criminal citation being mailed to them.
Deaf Umbrella Ltd - British Sign Language BSL Interpreter Services | dDeaf Umbrella Ltd offers British Sign Language Interpreting and Communication Support Services to facilitate communication between Deaf/Hard of Hearing and hearing people. Since Sept. 2000. England - London and South Eas
Deaf And Hard Of Hearing | Catherine Bonnes Am Scholarship IncThe Catherine Bonnes AM Scholarship aims to assist deaf and hard-of-hearing people to further their education by providing some financial assistance to those awarded the scholarship. Two scholarships are awarded twice y
SpeakerIDDeaf and hard-of-hearing people have struggled to follow conversations and keep up with who is talking. Powered by Hermes, Ava’s ground-breaking AI technology, SpeakerID is designed to distinguish speakers during live co
Ava ScribeAva Scribe combines the power of AI technology with fully trained professional Scribes —giving you blazingly fast real-time 99% accurate captions.
Total CommunicationTotal Communication offer professional and friendly services for Deaf Hard of Hearing people. These include coverage in Education, Workplace, Community, Advocacy, etc.
Language Support | London SE - England | Deaf Umbrella @deafumbrellaAt Deaf Umbrella we provide British Sign Language (BSL) Interpreting services, to facilitate communication between Deaf and hearing people within the workplace or education.
Be Heard With Ava VoiceAva Voice empowers non-voicing Deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals to actively participate in conversations, meetings, gatherings, and more, ensuring their voices are heard like never before.
Ava | Live CaptionsThe Ava Mobile app for iOS Android provides 24/7 accessibility with one click. Unlike the other captioning apps, Ava provides all the features you need in one convenient package.
TranscriptionsAva provides transcripts for any video or media, making your content accessible.
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